This was a collaborative effort between Daniel Po, Bohan Lin and myself. We were asked to help redevelop the construction and design methods that the well known ‘Habitat for Humanity’ development scheme uses. It was the attempt to think of ways in which we could bring a greater sense of architecture in support programmes like these, as opposed to just meeting the basic physical and functional needs of less fortunate people. It is all good to make the statement that architecture is not only for the rich and more fortunate; but it is how we can implement such a statement in reality that brings it meaning.
Through having modular structural frames and offering variety and complexity through prefabricated wall components; our design offers maximum customisability, affordability, sustainability, serviceability and desirability.
The transformable living spaces (thus multi functional) allows for maximised living within minimal space, achieved through condensing the furniture within the wall components. This minimised usage of space reduces materials required for construction and consequently reduces overall cost. In other words the furniture is built into the wall; another cost reducing factor. Deconstructable wall elements allow for the merging of small spaces to create single, larger spaces; permitting greater space usage flexibility.
Prefabricated components also mean zero wastage; everything is made to fit. Material costs are reduced, labour costs decreased, building expertise required kept minimal. Services are also integrated into the components, providing ease of access for repairs and replacements when required. Time is money, and with the ease of constructing a house with modular frames and prefabricated parts, completion time would be kept to a minimum. The modular structural frames provide adaptability to different sized or shaped sites; by offering a catalogue of frames and components to our clients, building forms can be generated according to their preference, suiting to the site accordingly. Building code NZ 3604 compliant construction methods are well implemented into the frames and components, assuring stability and safety on the built land.
In essence, we provide the tools, our clients decide the design.