My first All-NIGHTER!!! Gosh I’ve broken my vow not to do a single all-nighter for the whole of my architecture course, but hey.. looks like I was able to get quite a bit done.! Though I’m very proud of myself for not having to do any in my first year; I just believe that managing my time and consistently working hard but not over the top is a much more effective way of working. This helps me avoid the times when I become absolutely unmotivated after an adrenaline spurt like that (after every high there’s a low) and am able to work more effectively through consistency.
Anyways, this project is quite self explanatory. It is a real-life residential/commercial development project that we were asked to design, off of Cuba Street. This project as opposed to the last brings to the table much more reality and practicality to what we do in architecture. There was a specific criterion of the number of bedrooms, client interest and aesthetic preference, buildable area, floor use, and so on.