This was the model design of an interior wall between two different apartments (or dwellings in general) that had to express the personality of the users of each dwelling. This one was quite philosophical, and in a way helped make us think about the poetic nature of design. We had to establish some sort of relationship between the two facades and think deeply about what ways would be most effective in expressing ones character in the built form.
We were allowed to pick two personalities to inhabit each side of the facade, with each personality having a specific profession. Of the various professions I chose the ‘corsetiere’ and the ‘boursier’. My main theme I wanted to get across to my viewers was the central idea that ‘the boursier sees beauty on a surface level with what is on the body whereas the corsetiere sees beauty with what is under (the corset)’. We then had to interpret our assumptions and theme in an architectural sense; so I decided to have a play with flamboyant ornamental superfluous surfaces for the boursier and for the corsetiere I expressed its beauty through its architectural form.