Film Set Design from James Wong on Vimeo.
Part of our design course allowed us to choose from several fields available. From 'urban design', 'architecture and film', 'the design of sacred spaces', 'commercial buildings', 'technology and design' etc. I was interested in the idea of 'Architecture and film' and how it challenges us to see architecture as something not necessarily just about designing static buildings and how things look, but to design spaces to be experienced, and 'spaces in motion'.
This project was to design a film set for a scene based on a story that I adapted. In short, it was a story about a love sick girl ('Shadow') who was suicidal because she was absolutely infatuated with the boy ('Object') she loved all these years. She never had the chance or the courage to tell him, but all she could do was spy and watch him from a distance as he met with the girl of His dreams ('Light'). The film set plays with the mixed emotions of reality and the business of a cafe, the fear of being spotted, the use of light angle and intensity to imply a sense of privacy, texture and ruggedness to facilitate the assumption that no-body could be in that building, height difference in the one spying, sun orientation.. etc.