[project done in conjunction with Daniel Po]
This was the beginning stage of embarking on a 6 week project. The project tackles the notion of ethnic diversity in the city, with the objectives to use architecture to:
- Translate cultural diversity of place
- Help maintain cultural diversity of place and,
- Nurture cultural diversity of place.
This project consisted of 3 parts:
Part A - Pre-Design Research (2 weeks):
This part A initial stage consisted of an extensive research analysis of the given site and context; studying the relationship between ethnicity, perception and cultural cohabitation in the city.
In groups of 2, we were allotted specific avenues/ topics of the site to research in; Literature, Sociology, Activities, Visual Indicators of Occupation, Access and Circulation, Activities, Architectural Styles and Urban Fabric, Site Regulatory Context, and Site Context.
The topic of research that we were given was “Activities- various occupations of space”. This consisted of researching different activities that took place in the surrounding area, giving us a better sense of the needs and culture of the Newtown community. Having a better understanding of these needs, it then gave us a better grounding in how our design proposal will best meet and tackle these needs.