I have therefore decided to put what my current stand is on Architecture in words. Both to convey what I believe as well as that ‘hmm.... maybe I’ll find out as I do so’.
I believe it is a leadership in a way that architecture is the leading of all the specialists together to produce a building, combining the many different concepts, beliefs, and with that weighing out the pros/cons to make a final decision. As the engineer may think wholeheartedly on function, the designer believes in aesthetics and the quantity surveyor believes in minimising the costs and cares for neither.
Architecture is the skill of thinking laterally that brings together all these concepts to produce an all-rounded building, fully scientific in context and yet artistically ingenious.
An example would be how the architect combines the various ‘specialist’s’ information to produce a plan drawing of a theatre. The architect’s plan drawing shows the sound properties (sound engineer) taken into consideration illustrated by the arrangement of seats, the flow and pathway of people (fire department/businessman), what materials used, its dimension and
how much (QS) and so on.
On a more general context I believe architecture to be the link, not just the jack of all trades and master of none. He is the master at linking these other professions/ ways of thinking to produce a balanced functional piece of art. Very vital in making things happen.