Here we had to renovate an existing observatory, keeping in line with keeping part of the original structure that dated back in the 1940’s and 1960’s, due to parts of the structure being a heritage building. It catered both for children and educational purposes as well as for tourists and enthusiastic individuals. As you can see I decided to take fun approach towards visiting the building via the existing tram that ran all the way down to Lambton Quay. It not only serves as an educational facility through the large display areas but children will love to go there too!!
Procedure: MAN those watercolours took AAAaaages.!!!! At least a day each.! That’s about all I can remember. I don’t think I’m going to do many more watercolours anymore. I mean I really enjoy it and they’re wonderful but they’re just not efficient when it comes to communicating as much as possible about the space in such a little time frame.